AAOS Member Photo Submission Form

As a way to feature diverse and current AAOS members across AAOS channels, we need your help! Please share with us a recent headshot or photo of yourself that we can use in future AAOS marketing and communications campaigns.

The process is simple!

Upload a recent photo for potential use in AAOS publications, websites, marketing materials, social media, direct member-emails or other AAOS channels.

Photos received will be sourced throughout future AAOS marketing and communications initiatives.

What is a good professional photo? 

  • Professional headshots or formal photos taken of you in professional attire or your medical attire
  • High-resolution, staged photos of you taken by a friend or colleague that do not have a lot of background noise or other “props” 

What is not a professional photo? 

  • A photo of you with family members  
  • A low-resolution photo or selfie with low lighting that is blurry or difficult to see or make larger/expand 
  • A photo copied from the internet

Photo Submission Form

Step 1: Log in to your AAOS account

You must be logged in to upload your picture and submit the form. If you have not already logged in to your account, please log in now.

Step 2: Please complete the form

And be sure your photo is either a .jpg or .png format. 

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What is your Member Category?
By submitting your photograph(s), you are permitting AAOS to use your image in AAOS-sponsored web sites, publications, promotions, social media posts, broadcasts, advertisements, posters and slides. AAOS will not alter the original images, except for cropping, change in brightness/contrast, and other standard technical adjustments, and creating composite or artistic representations. There will not be an opportunity to inspect the finished image in any printed or electronic matter that may contain your image. If the photograph(s) was taken by or is owned by another person or company, notify AAOS if additional permissions may be needed in order for the photograph(s) to be used.
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